Thursday, January 22, 2009

Chuc Mung Nom Moi

Happy Lunar New Year! The city is decked out in preparation for the lunar New Year. Residents are purchasing new clothing and gifts for friends and family. Food is being stockpiled. Red and yellow flowers/flowering plants are for sale on the street corners. Hal's company is gifting their local employees as well: cash for the staff and "the suggested gift for the entry/exit station (foreign visa office) which serves the Hue office is: a bottle of wine : 250.000. Envelope : 500 000, 1 case of Heineken, a card, water melon seed, 1 kg dry beef." The new pictures are from district one where we went last night to see the lights and decorations. District one is the city center and is about a 10 minute, $7 taxi ride from here.


Unknown said...

What a fun outing! I am reminded of how much French culture played a part in today's Vietnam -- the sign in french was a surprise at first, until I remembered some of my history...

I also am taken aback by all of the green in your photos. I know that the climate is different here, but the photos really brought it home for me. It is currently 0, and dropping fast ... Robin is tubing at the Windham Seacost fun park, and I am hoping that she is going inside for frequent hot chocolate breaks! Love to you all -- alison

Unknown said...

looks like a beautiful night! Neil is playing piano right now-getting better and better....I am imagining being in a warm climate, you guys are lucky! It is freezing here! Clara and Silas look so happy-and you both too-love that Fred-
