Monday, January 12, 2009

Jade Emperor Pagoda

On Sunday we visited the Jade Emperor Pagoda. According to our Nat. Geo. travel guide, it was built by the Cantonese in the early 1900s. It is a quiet oasis within the busy, noisy city.

A vendor outside the temple sells fish and turtles that you can set free inside the temple - I think I read somewhere that is a way to honor your ancestors, or maybe it was a way to seek absolution for a wrong? I'll try to find out more.

There were a lot of worshipers bowing toward the various altars with hands full of incense, and papers were being burned in a large outdoor altar. Inside the air was thick with smoke and incense - the ancient wood carvings encased by the smoky trappings of a century of worship.


jmro said...

Fantastic pictures! love the market shots-thanks for sharing!


Unknown said...

Wow -- it looks so lush and green there! I am sure you are missing Maine weather -- low 20s today, which will be, believe it or not, the highs for the week. Friday's high is supposed to be 8. If you catch a plane tomorrow, you can be back in time for that! Hugs to you all -- alison